
They Spoke from God: A Survey of the Old Testament is unavailable, but you can change that!

With simple language and a personal style, They Spoke from God weaves together Old Testament passages to show how they tell the story of God at work to redeem His people. Instead of following a book-by-book summary or a division by literary genre, Williams uses a theology of history as the unifying theme. Since it not only explains relevant Scriptures—but relates them to historical, theological,...

Daniel, and the twelve minor prophets are all identified by the name of their human authors. Each writer has a personal style, which includes vocabulary, sentence structure, and the tone the writer adopts toward his subject matter. Once this is recognized, two major questions must be addressed. The first is centered on human imperfections and asks, “How can fallible people write an infallible book?” The second asks, “Since humans are involved in writing the Bible, how then can it possibly be God’s
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